El Hijo de la novia

lt happened on highway 9.
Coming from Rosario.

Thing is, you think you know
the rest of your life,

a truck driver dozes off
and you're left out in the cold.

You're left out freezing.
l crashed, man.

l started drinking
like crazy. Missed work.

My friends slowly...
-Are you okay? Rafael...

Yes, l got a little dizzy.
Come on, let's walk.
Doctor said ten blocks a day.


You were talking about friends...
Nothing, they got fed up.
l don't blame them.

l sang a two year-long tango.
And then, l don't know how,

one night
totally plastered,

l woke up at 5.00 am
in a puddle of vomit.

l got in the bathtub and,
washing my legs...

l looked
in the shaving mirror.

l love to shave in the shower
because steam clears my...

-No, it opens the pores.

Anyway... l sat there just looking
at myself, at least half hour.

And l went: Ta-da!
That's it.
The tango's over.

Stop the tears. Recover my life,
find real friends and move on.
