Thank you
for every thing you're doing.
- And this is his friend, Commissar...
- Danilov.
Tania is like
a daughter to me.
She used to take care of Sacha
when I worked at the factory.
She even taught him German.
All these books are hers.
- Oh, they're yours?
- She studied German at the university.
- Which university?
- Moscow.
Moscow. Moscow.
Shouldn't we, uh--
Yes, let's continue.
Your offer to name
your mine after me...
is... a great honor.
Yes, I know.
Very good.
Shouldn't we make the point that
I'm not the only one fighting?
[Danilov] That-- That's excellent--
excellent idea, Vassili.
- We can take it even further though.
- Oh.
We can take it further.
Your battle for
the production of coal...
is as worthy as mine.
There's no "K" in coal.
Just-just one "L"
Oh, tell me if I'm going too fast.
- No, you're not going too fast.
- You sure?
I just thought is there
any other improvements?
Why don't you get some rest?
These letters can wait until tomorrow.
[Vassili] We should carry on.
We're not tired.
Thank you, Mrs. Filipov.
These people...
took the trouble
to write to us.
Tomorrow, we may not
be around to write back.
[Train Whistle Blowing]
[Man On P.A.
Speaking In German]