Do you know what this duel
means for our country?
Is it true you killed your first wolf
when you were five?
Are you proud to be challenged
by the best sharp shooter in Germany?
The Germans are starting
to shit their pants.
Go on, my boy, tell us how
you're going to deal with him.
- Or rather, no. Tell it to the boss.
- One more question, please.
He likes
good hunting stories.
Look at him with pride,
because he's looking at you.
The whole country
is looking at you.
[ Whinnying ]
Forgive me, forgive me,
So, it's not the wolf that
chooses the hunting ground...
but the hunter.
But I'm sure your grandfather
taught you that.
Except in this case,
I'm the game.
today what we're going to do...
is lure the wolf
out of his lair...
to where we want him to be.