Enemy at the Gates

[ Chuckles ] Um, she will be thrilled.
That's very sweet of you.

There's plenty more
if you're hungry.

You're Jewish,
aren't you?

There's nothing in our religion
that says you can't eat sturgeon.

My father had a premonition
all this would happen.

You mean the war?
He understood that the hatred
of the jews ran deep.

He was saving up to buy
some land in Palestine.

He said it was the only land
we truly belonged in;

the only land
we had a duty to defend.

He insisted I learn
to use a rifle.

I learned to shoot.
I know that in times of war, personal
feelings should be put aside, but...

I have a favor
to ask you.

Of course.
Anything you want.

I want to be reassigned.
What's happened, Tania?
He shot him.
He shot him even though
he jumped first.

Shot him on the run.
It was
an impossible shot.

I've never seen
anything like it.

You've promised people
a victory I can't deliver.

I don't stand a chance
against this man.

You mustn't talk
like that, Vassili.

[Danilov] What if I told you we found
a way to track his movements?
