if there's anything you needed--
anything at all--
our family
will be there for you.
You know I'm here for you.
[Man Speaking German On P.A.]
They're saying
Vassili is dead.
[ Man On P.A. ] Vassili Zaitsev
will never see his loved ones again.
This is your only hope.
You're upset.
Because Zaitsev is dead?
You don't have to hide it.
There's no shame in it.
You're a Russian
like he is.
Don't listen to them.
It's just propaganda.
He isn't dead.
And do you know why?
Because I haven't
killed him yet.
@@@@@@[P.A..: Indistinct]
I'm going to tell you
a little secret.
Only you, because
I know I can trust you.
But you must swear to me that
you won't tell another soul.
You swear?
I found a terrific spot.
It's by the exit
from the train station.
I'll hide
in the water tower.
I'll wait for him there.
You'll see.
He'll be there.
He always is.
[ Chuckles ]
I also want you to swear that from now
on, you'll stay home where you belong.
Do you swear?