You've chosen your camp.
I respect that.
But it isn't my camp.
We're both soldiers,
and we're both enemies,
so I know you understand.
I'm annoyed with you, little Sacha, for
not staying home as I made you swear to.
I'm annoyed with you for obliging me
to do what I'm going to have to do.
[ Sobbing ]
I've never seen anyone
frown so much in their sleep.
How long have you been
watching me?
All night.
You've been snoring away
happily for hours.
I don't snore.
Do I?
Like a pig.
I suppose I talk
in my sleep as well.
There's something
I should tell you.
On the train...
coming here...
we were in the same car.
I saw you.
You were reading,
and you fell asleep.
I didn't dare look at you,
you were so beautiful.
It was scary.
Afterwards, I couldn't stop
thinking about you.
It made me smile.
And then I thought of all the men
who would get to hold you...
who'd make you laugh...
how lucky they were.
And now I'm the one
lying next to you.
And now I'm the one
lying next to you.
- Was I snoring?
- Like a pig.