Enemy at the Gates

[ Breathing Heavily ]
Where is he?

Where's the major?
A few inches
from your face.

I've been such a fool,

Man will always be man.
There is no new man.
We tried so hard to create
a society that was equal,

where there'd be nothing
to envy your neighbor.

But there's always
something to envy.

A smile...
a friendship.
Something you don't have
and want to appropriate.

In this world--
even a Soviet one--

there will always
be rich and poor.

Rich in gifts...
poor in gifts.
Rich in love...
poor in love.
Tania isn't coming back.
She's dead, Vassili.
She was cut down by shrapnel.
It was quick.

I don't think
she even saw it coming.

She was on her way
back to you.

As soon as she had seen Mrs. Filipov to
the boats, she was coming back for you.

She was right.
You're a good man, Vassili.

[ Sobbing ]
I want to help you,

Let me do one last thing.
Something useful
for a change.

Let me show you
where the major is.
