You're the Science Officer.
Why don't you help Charlie
with that analysis?
The astrometric computer in San Francisco
will be far more effective.
We're not going to San Francisco,
so make-do with what we've got here.
You've lost the Klingon.
Your mission is over.
I didn't lose the Klingon... he was taken.
And I'm going to find out who took him.
How do you plan to do that?
Space is very big, Captain...
a shadow on your sensors
won't help you find them.
This is a foolish mission.
Come with me.
I'm not interested in what
you think about this mission.
So take your Vulcan cynicism
and bury it along with your
repressed emotions.
Your reaction to this situation
is a perfect example of why
your species should remain
in its own star system.
I've been listening to you Vulcans
ell us what not to do all my life.
I watched my father work his
ass off while your scientists
held back just enough information
to keep him from succeeding.
He deserved to see that launch.
You may have life spans of 200 years...
You are going to be contacting Starfleet...
to advise them of our situation.
No, I'm not. And neither are you
Now get the hell out there
and make yourself useful.
- What have you found, doctor?
- Mister Klaang was right about
one thing... he's a Suliban.
- But unless I'm mistaken,
he's no ordinary one.
- Meaning?
His DNA is Suliban... but
his anatomy has been altered.
Look at this lung.
Five bronchial lobes.
You see? It should only have three.
And look at the alveoli clusters...
they've been modified
to process different kinds of atmospheres.
Are you saying he's some kind of mutant?
Yes, I suppose I am. But
this was no accident,
no freak of nature. This man
was the recipient of some very
sophisticated genetic engineering.
Watch this.