Anything sound familiar?
Rigel is a planetary system...
approximately 50 light years
from our present position.
Why the hesitation?
According to the navigational logs
salvaged from Klaang's ship...
Rigel 10 was the last place
he stopped before crashing
on your planet.
Why do I get the feeling you
weren't going to share that
little piece of information?
I wasn't authorized to reveal
the details of our findings.
The next time I learn you're
withholding something...
you're going to spend the rest
of this voyage confined to some
very cramped quarters. Understood?
- Archer to helm.
- here Maywhather
Go into the Vulcan starcharts
and find a system called Rigel...
- then set a course for the tenth planet.
- Yes, sir.
Where is it?
I don't know.
We're not going to harm you.
Tell me where it is.
I don't know.
Are you certain he's telling the truth?
Absolutely certain.
Did you leave it on your ship...
did you hide it somewhere...
is it on Enterprise?
I don't know what you're looking for.
What were you doing on Rigel 10?
I was sent to meet someone.
- Who
- A Suliban female... named Sarin.
And what did Sarin give you?
Keep him alive while I'm gone.