Correct me if I'm wrong,
but aren't you just kind of
an "observer" on this mission
I don't remember anyone telling me
you were a member of Starfleet.
My Vulcan rank supersedes yours.
Apples and oranges. This is an Earth vessel.
You're in no position to take command.
As soon as we're through here,
I'll contact Ambassador Soval.
Él hablará con tus superiores,
y estoy segura que reafirmarán mi autoridad
He'll speak to your superiors
and I'm certain they'll support
my authority in this situation.
You must really be proud of yourself.
You can put an end to this mission while
the Captain's still unconscious in Sickbay.
You won't even have to
look him in the eye.
Your precious "cargo" was stolen...
3 Suliban, perhaps more, were killed...
and Captain Archer has been
seriously wounded.
It seems to me this "mission"
has put an end to itself.
Turn around.
Let's say you're right...
let's say we screwed up just
like you always knew we would.
It's still a pretty good bet that
whoever blew that hole in the Captain's
leg is connected somehow to the people
I fail to see your point.
Captain Archer deserves a chance to
see this through. If you knew him,
you'd realize that's what
he's about. He needs to
finish what he starts.
His daddy was the same way.
You obviously share your Captain's
belief that my people were responsible
for impeding Henry Archer's
He only wanted to see his engine fly...
they never even gave
him a chance to fail.
And here you are, 32 later,
proving just how consistent
you Vulcans can be.
Very nice, very nice...