Everything Put Together

How is my mid-wife?
- I'm good. How are you?
- Fine. Care for a mint?

- Yeah. Thank you.
- Don't mind if I do?

So, what's with the tie?
Oh, my kids caII me
the great sperm raiser.

ReaIIy? What does your wife caII you?
The great ceII spIitter.
- How are you feeIing today?
- I'm good.

I was a IittIe bit sick this morning.
What do you hear from Judith?
Is she adjusting to motherhood?

She's good. Functioning on
2 hours sIeep a night.

ReaIIy? Ethan's a bit of
a night terrorist, is he?

I think so.
Husband BiII, I take it, the Iate comer,
is he doing aIright?

Is that normaI?
90 over 60.
CouIdn't ask for better numbers.

Now, for my finaI trick, scoot up
a IittIe bit there. Perfect.

Excuse me.
AIright. HoId that there.
This IittIe piggy went to market,
this IittIe piggy stayed home. Good.

Why are we doing this?
I aIways do this.
It makes me feeI Iike a doctor.
