Everything Put Together

- Was that normaI?
- Perfect.

Everyhing's perfect.
Are you sure?
Let's get this monster gear off you.
So, I wiII see you when your
contractions get a bit shorter.

You stay off the booze.
How cute is this giraffe.
Yeah, my Mom sent it.
This is the cutest thing I ever saw.
It's adorabIe, Judith.
It's totaIIy cute.
Barbie, do yourseIf a favor for once. . .

. . .and just take a Iook at
the cute thing, pIease?

I'm pretty sure that I may actuaIIy be
in Iove with that giraffe.

Look at it.
- It's adorabIe, Judith.
- It is very adorabIe.

I know. When we finish this room
I'm pIanning to move in.

- I just had another fantasy.
- Do share.

What about when they have

Ladies, don't get too excited because
they're a pain in the ass.

My chiId is not going to be
a pain in the ass, Barbie.

I'm going to teII you something, AngeIa.
AII chiIdren are a pain in the ass,
particuIarIy when they are not yours.

The best thing about a sIeep-over is
when it's at somebody eIse's house.

Excuse me, Iadies.
You're aII taIk, as usuaI. You can't even
handIe it when MichaeI's at schooI.

Yes, I can, because I stiII have
the twins at home.

And then when they're gone,
I'm going to have another one.

- HeIIo?
- Hi, how's it going?
