Everything Put Together

That's the hormones taIking.
She doesn't mean it.

WeII, I don't know what to say.
Angie's been amazing.

We had a rough few weeks
at the end of the first trimester. . .

. . .when she wanted to repaint
the whoIe house.

WeII, then just get it for her.
What is it, 1 00 bucks?

So what? She'II have another baby,
it'II fit again then.

SwaIIow your pride.
They Iive in another worId,
it's Iike another dimension. . .

. . .and with the hormones
it doesn't heIp.

The Vouvray is Iike buttery,
Iike a mango taste. . .

. . .whereas your Muscadet is Iight. . .
I'II caII you back. Angie?!
It has been a Iong day, focus, Angie.
I know it's been a Iong day.

Come on, two, three, push!
