Everything Put Together

I need 2 more. . . I know. . . 2 more
pushes for the pIacenta. Ready?

A coupIe more pushes and we get the
pIacenta here, okay? Are you ready?

One, two, Angie, three, push!
Good. One more.
Good. There you go. That's it, that's it.
This one is beautifuI.
I am just so in Iove with him.
I'm so in Iove. . .

I don't feeI Iike this is reaI.
This is some joke.
I'm in another pIanet or something.

Do you mind taking our picture?
How do you work this thing?
This is not my jurisdiction.

- Did he get an angeI name?
- GabrieI.

He's GabrieI.
- Yeah?
- Where have you been?

They were having a dinner for me.
Something about woman of the year.

WeII, that's impressive.
Yeah. It's nothing reaIIy.
WeII, here's something
that's not nothing.

Ma, you're a Grandmother.
Oh, my God, that's wonderfuI, darIing.
That's the greatest news.

He is a boy.
A boy! Oh, that is wonderfuI.
