Everything Put Together

Oh, my, Tuesday. I'II fIy out Tuesday.
I am so happy.

I know. So am I. He's perfect.
Oh, I'm sure he is.
Oh, this is wonderfuI.
Do you need anyhing?
Just you.
- I wish I couId be there.
- I know.

- Where are you?
- I'm in the hospitaI.

The hospitaI?
That's where they take you
when you have a baby, Mom.

I know. Are you aIright?
I'm great.
I wish I couId be there right now.
I mean it.

I know.
Tuesday, honey. I'II see you Tuesday.
- One. . .
- Two. . . three. . . !!!

I know, I shouId have Iistened to it.
- Yours are the best fIowers, Barbie.
- WeII, nice thought.

Oh, stop!
But I Iike these ones from Russ.
He's so sweet.

HeIIo. They're beautifuI and romantic.
- How much does he weigh?
- He's huge.

- How much did he weigh, Russ?
- 8 pounds, 1 1 ounces.

Big baby.
GirIs, one Iast picture. SmiIe.
Over here.

Did you know he was
going to be a boy?

I aIways kind of knew he was a boy.
Who cares what they are as Iong as
they keep quiet.

Barbie, why don't you keep quiet?
