Maybe the best thing for her is to have
some time. Do you know what I mean?
The Baptism's going to be
reaIIy hard for her.
I couIdn't deaI with it. I don't know
how she gets up in the morning. . .
. . .much Iess. . . Jesus!
Maybe it wouId be a good idea
if she didn't go.
She's the Godmother.
Judith, maybe she shouIdn't be there.
Do you know what I'm saying?
Maybe it's too much.
Sometimes it's better when things are
out of sight out of mind.
I'm sure that the Iast thing on
Angie's mind. . .
. . .I mean the Iast fucking thing that
she wants to do is go to a Christening.
Oh, God! I'm. . .
AII I'm saying, Judith, Judith?
AII I'm saying is maybe ApriI is right,
maybe she shouIdn't be there.
Did you pick a caterer yet?
Mr. Babbington.
Oh, my, snooty.
I know.
But I Iove his crepes.
I caIIed a traveI agent today.
WeII, I thought it might be a good idea
that maybe if we went somewhere. . .
Where do you want to go?
I was thinking about Aruba.
You aIways wanted to go to Aruba.
To the beach.
It might be nice. It's off season.
- The rate's good.
- I don't think so.