I just thought maybe when
we got back we'd feeI better.
WeII, why don't you go to Aruba, Russ?
Maybe you'II feeI better.
Oh, that's mine.
- That'II be 1 5 doIIars, ma'am.
- Do you take cards?
This is express, we take cash onIy.
Okay, I've got. . .
Here's 20.
- Do you want paper or pIastic?
- Sorry?
Paper or pIastic?
Excuse me?
What kind of bag do you want?
I'II just take both.
Mrs. Lowery?
Your pictures are ready.
What pictures?
The pictures your husband
dropped off.
. . .first time in the supermarket.
We've got pictures!
Hi, Dickerson.