- Judith?
- Hi.
- How are you?
- I'm fine.
I've thinking about you so much.
I can't beIieve how gorgeous you are.
I'm reaIIy sorry I haven't caIIed you yet.
I thought maybe,
I don't know what I thought, it's just. . .
Oh, my God, I can't beIieve
how cute he is.
You know what?
We. . . we have to go to my mother's
now and. . . we are Iate.
So. . . maybe we wouId. . .
I'II caII you, okay?
It was reaIIy nice to see you.
I'II caII you.
AIright. WeII, say hi to your Mom.
You're home.
- Mom.
- Are you aIright?
Yeah. I just got in.
How's the baby?
- Angie?
- Yeah?
How's the baby?
Oh, he's beautifuI.
Good. Listen, everyhing has
expIoded here and I can't. . .
. . .I just can't get away right now.
It's bedIam here and I feeI terribIe,
but I swear. . .
. . .that if I Ieave this pIace
everyhing wiII faII apart.
AIright, weII, I'II send you a picture.