What are you doing here?
I just wanted to come visit you.
You don't know how to knock?
You don't ring the beII?
I didn't want to wake Ethan.
You scared the shit out of me.
What did you think I was doing?
I don't know. What were you doing?
I just wanted to see if you're okay.
I was wondering if you needed
some heIp.
No. I don't want any heIp.
I just thought you might need me to
baby-sit or something.
I don't want you to baby-sit.
That's not. . .
- I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry too.
You just don't know how much you
frightened me. I think you shouId go.
I didn't mean to frighten you.
You did frighten me.
You reaIIy frightened me,
I think you shouId go, aIright?
My God, pIease don't.
What is it?
PIease, you're scaring me, Angie.
Just go.
Angie, pIease go, pIease, go.