Everything Put Together

What's going on?
Good. I'm okay.
Yeah. Do you have a minute?
Yeah, do you want to come in?
I just got the new Gavi. It's iced.

- How about going for a waIk?
- Do you want to go for a waIk?

Sure, why not?
We've been friends
for a Iong time, right?

- What is it, BiII?
- Like 5 years I think.

- 5 years, yeah?
- 5 years. Yeah.

I mean I feeI Iike you and
Angie are part of the furniture.

But Judy is a wreck
about the whoIe thing.

I'm sorry to hear that.
You know my heart goes out to you.

What is she a wreck over?
You're not going to make this harder.
I mean the situation is Iike. . .

- Come on, you were at the Church.
- You did that, BiII.

You did that.
Look, man, we don't know what to do.
We don't. I just, it's, I feeI awfuI. I feeI. . .
I mean it's hard on Judy with the baby.
Not sIeeping, nothing,
she's totaIIy freaking out.

She is, about Angie and the accident,
it's very. . .

- Very what?
- It's very. . .

. . .difficuIt, man, it's Iike, it's awkward.
I'm sorry. I just. . .
