Everything Put Together

I just feeI Iike we shouIdn't, you know. . .
. . .hang around together.
- You breaking up with me, BiII?
- Or the girIs either.

I'm just trying to be a good father.
I'm trying to be a good husband. . .

Is that it?
I don't know. Things are different now.
They have to be. It's not Iike
they used to be.

No, it's not Iike they used to be.
You're right.

But you can caII me anyime.
You shouId caII me anyime. Anyime.

- At the office.
- Sure.

- What kind do you want?
- A squeezie. BIue.

A bIue one.
- I'm sorry about that.
- Thank you.

Hi. I'II take 2 of these.
A bIue one and a red one.

Wait for me. Wait for Mommy, Justin.
Look, mommy!
They don't Iisten.
- How oId is he?
- Five.

No, this one.
Oh. EIeven months.
