Ten base pairs.
No, that can't be.
We need this!
Come on, ladies, look alive!
Tina, when Lisa goes for the spike,
you've got to cover the line.
Lisa, two hands! Two hands!
God gaveyou two goddamn hands
for a reason!
Big news. The most amazing thing.
The meteor samples are teeming
with one-celled organisms.
Their metabolic rates
are offthe charts.
They're dividing at an incredible rate.
It's practically exponential.
Their DNA has ten base pairs.
Ten base pairs. That's good to know.
Thankyou, Ira.
The DNA ofall life on Earth
has only four base pairs.
Come on, ladies!
Look alive!
Harry, these are organisms
from anotherworld.
They're aliens.
Is the Nobel Prize paid in installments,
or in a lump sum like the lottery?
Let's not get ahead ofourselves.
Here. My office.
I'm not getting ahead ofmyself. I'm
concerned about the tax consequences.
- Why in here?
-Just wanted to be cautious.
It's our discovery.
I'm all tingly.
I'm no biologist, but how many cells
do single-celled organisms have?
Ifwe're gonna be important scientists,
you have to act the part.
Why don'tyou take a look?