That treejust ate it.
Everything here seems to be food
for something else.
- So stay offthe menu, huh?
- You got that right.
Ira, come here,
look at these little things.
Cool. Hey, snag one.
- Snag one?
- Snag one and put him in the bucket.
I seen this movie.
The black dude dies first. You snag it.
Don't be scared. We came
for a specimen, now snag one.
He's not gonna hurtyou.
He's turned the otherway.
He's eating.
Come on, my little red lobster.
Come on, my sexy little crustacean.
Come on.
Ira, look at that backside.
Theater in the round.
That's the kind oftrunk space
you want in a late model car.
Who does that remind you of?
I have no idea
whatyou're talking about.
She's been throwing it atyou enough.
- Dr. Reed?
- Bull's-eye.
Excuse me, Dr. Reed?
Did you authorize a walk-through?
Nope. Why?
You should probably take a look
at something. Here.
You'd like to roast that rump.
You'd like to butter that mother.
That is an ice image.
And Iappreciate your assumption...
that there is anactual
underneathall Dr. Reed's
- ButIdon't thinkso.
- What?
I thinksheis
ahumorless ice queen.
Ira, that'sjusta cover.