Allsheneeds isagoodhumping.
Oh, Ira. Ira!
Harry, stop that. We got tagetapiece
of the asteroid like we came for.
And cut that out.
It disturbs me.
- Ira!
- Don'tdo that behind my back.
- I'm not doing it. I'm just walking.
- Cut it out.
Let's bag that
and get the hell out ofhere.
I'm readywhen you are, Colonel.
This disco suit is making me chafe.
Shoo, fy.
Hold it right there.
Dr. Reed, so nice to seeyou again.
We werejust leaving.
You're in violation ofthejudge's
orders. I could haveyou arrested.
Want to talk about violations?
What about our lab?
- Got any Raid?
- What areyou talking about?
You stole our computer hard drive,
samples, files. Everything.
- I didn't steal anything.
- Your buddies there cleaned us out.
Let's be honest. You've been trying
to grab credit on our discovery.
All we're trying to do is take back
a piece ofwhat's rightfully ours.
Credit has nothing to do with this.
I'm concerned about public safety.
- Is this true? Areyou aware ofthis?
- No.
Something's in my suit.
You're not gonna believe him. He openly
admitted to hacking into our computer.
Harry, what?
There's something in my suit!
It's impossible. It's sealed!
The fy!
There's a fy in my suit!
- Don't take offyour helmet! Oxygen!
- It'll kill it.
Doyou see it?
Look, look. Doyou see it?
- No.
- No?
- You're all right. Who's the man?
- You're the man.
- No, you're the man.
- I'm the man. Okay.
Oh, God.
It's in me!