Yes, 91 1 ?
What the hell is that thing?
Pick me up in an hour. No, two.
Oh, an hour and a halfwould be good.
Hi. Doyou have any messages for me?
Two single beds, please.
We're fighting.
Ira, I'm tired. I've had two hours sleep
and I've got to take a shower.
They're spreading.
You talking about the golfcourse?
Woodman sent a team there two hours ago.
Well, it's too bad you missed
the five-foot amphibian dead in my lab.
They're adapting.
We gotta shut it down.
You're overreacting.
We can handle this.
I used to be arrogant likeyou.
We're both aware ofwhat that led to.
Take me seriously, Allison.
I do takeyou seriously.
Then you gotta talk to Woodman,
'cause he won't listen to me.
We gotta kill these things
while we still can.
All right. I'll discuss it with him,
but I can't promiseyou anything.
-Just one more thing.
- Yeah?
Doyou thinkyou could ever
be attracted to me?