Why did you drive onto that bridge
and start World War lll?
-l saved his life, Frank.
-You were lucky, Orin.
Extremely lucky.
The Secret Service gave a direct order
not to storm that bridge!
They were responsible for him. Not you!
-What if it went the other way?
-l didn't vote for him.
This is funny to you?
-What's funny to me is--
-Cut it out.
Who were they?
Some Michigan militant group.
-Live by the sword, man.
-Sit down.
Look, Orin.
We've known each other a long time.
l am your friend, but also your boss.
As your friend, you don't follow orders.
You're unmanageable.
You don't obey the law
or think before you act.
And now, as your boss, you're fired.
-Just like that.
-Hinges wants you out.
There's nothing l can do.
You want to talk to him yourself,
be my guest.
Now handle it!
You are like a cockroach, Mr. Boyd.
Every time l try to get rid of you,
you appeal to the union...
...and they send your ass right back here.
But not this time.
l've been talking to the Secret Service
figuring out what to do with you.
They want you to suffer, Mr. Boyd.
They want you to suffer bad
for that stupid stunt you pulled.
And l must say, l do not disagree.
You guys are unbelievable.
l saw a problem, l fixed it. Simple as that.
That's bullshit, Mr. Boyd.
Because of cops like you...
...police have a bad image everywhere.
You won't pin that on me.
l stick my neck out every day.
You remind me of bureaucrats in the '60s
sending kids to fight in Vietnam.
l'm not going to send you to Vietnam.
-l'm going to send you to the 15th.
-That shithole.
You'll fit right in.