What am l, a shit magnet?
Junior, having a tough time?
You got to get in and out quick.
l'm an expert at this.
l could do that in a blink of an eye.
-Why don't you show us?
-Just like that. See?
-You a magician?
You want me to show you
how to pull a rabbit out of your ass?
Screw Linda. Come on back in.
Everybody's tearing
the tops off their desks.
Who the hell are you?
Henry Wayne. Detroit A.M.
-This a friend of yours?
-Go back to class.
-They're gonna kill me without you.
lf you stay here, they might kill you, too,
so go back to class.
Jeez! Well, no! Well, shit!
l don't even know this guy.
Stay out of our class.
We got people in there with real problems.
FYl, next week
l'm doing a show on violent twins.
-Enough of this bullshit!
-You're not twins?
Take the man's keys.
Give me your keys.
Stop it! Mr. Boyd, stop hitting that man!
Mr. Boyd! What're you doing?
This is no way to deal with your anger.
Screw that, man! You kill
those bastards! They tried to pop us!
Did you guys see that?
Can you believe this shit?
Boyd is such a bad-ass. He could easily
win a tough-men competition.