The bad guys are out there. Not in here.
Give me my money!
See you making friends fast.
Just take some deep breaths, in and out.
How do you feel?
Yeah, you'll be all right.
lt's just a hazing thing.
Everybody goes through it.
Welcome to the one-five.
-Orin Boyd?
-You're from the two-one, right?
They said you're coming. l'm George Clark.
Nice to meet you, George.
l mean, you know,
you're like a legend, man.
l used to read about you
in some new caper every week.
-Don't believe everything you read.
-l don't.
But there was one l was curious about.
You really beat a suspect
unconscious with a dead cat?
Cat wasn't dead.
All right. That's funny.
Cop who came in to break it up,
who was that?
Strutt. Sergeant Lewis Strutt.
He's a good man, a fair man.
Listen, don't worry about Montini.
Shit happens.
Who was Montini trying to set up?
That would be Latrell Walker.
Why you ask? You going after him?
Hey, how you doing?
What do you need?
l need to see the log book
for the last couple of nights.
Who or what are you looking for?
Just some shit bird
who thinks he got away clean.
Can you run a check for it?
All l have is a name, Latrell. Black male.
This isn't the Hall of Records.
Check records downtown.