Freeze! Don't move!
l'm a cop.
Bruce, get it out of the way.
Can l get you guys in this area over here?
Keep it back.
Sorry, people, you'll have to stand back.
Officer Boyd.
What have you got?
Take a look at this.
This was taken a few minutes ago
at the police evidence locker.
They keep large quantities of narcotics
here at Piper Tech's main vault.
Yeah, there were six guys. They wore
masks, and their voices were altered.
How much did they take?
About 50 kilos of heroin.
Wait. Can you rewind that bit?
-Freeze on that guy.
-You got it.
Now, can you zoom in right there?
What do you think this is?
Monday Night Football?.
Best l can do is 50 percent.
What do you think?
-lt's a TAG.
Height, l'd say about 5'10''?
l'd say so.
And he's black.
Hey, guys.
Hey, look who's here.
-Hey, Montini.
-What's up?
Just giving Officer Boyd here a preview
of the playback from security.
Boyd. What are you doing here?
Whose case did you screw up this time?
You guys mind giving us
a moment to ourselves?
We have some catching up to do.