Later. You know that exposé you did
on the Mob a few years ago?
How'd you get that intel?
l can be resourceful. Plus, l work
with the l Team, a group of former Pl's...
...who owe us their licenses
due to various felony convictions.
l need you to find out whatever you can
about a guy called Latrell Walker.
His identity seems to be a total scam.
And also what his connection is
with a guy called Shaun Rollins. Can you?
l'll see what l can dig up.
Why'd you come to me?
l don't want to attract any attention.
And l think your peculiar methods
might work for me.
-What's this all about?
-lt might be nothing.
lt might be something.
lf it's big, it's really big.
l just got to see
how high up this shit goes.
Don't screw this one up.
l won't,
because l've seen you when you're angry.
All right, ladies?
Come to papa.
-You want in on this?
l just want to make a toast.
This is to us
finally getting together for dinner.
But l just have one request.
l'm listening.
No police talk.
No mentioning the latest homicide
or gang shooting.
Tonight, just happy thoughts. Agreed?
Agreed. To happy thoughts.
Good evening, Commander.
What're you doing here, Boyd?
-You wanted to see me.
-ln my office, not here.
But l'm here now. So let's talk.
l'm sorry,
but we were actually right in the middle.
Why don't you take a walk?
lt's okay. Just give us five minutes.
l had to go to the men's room anyway.
-How'd you find me?
-What are you doing with this guy?
That is none of your business.
-He doesn't look right for you.
-And you do?
What did you want to talk to me about?
Why'd you visit Shaun Rollins?
-The walls have ears.
-l know everything, Boyd.