Exit Wounds

All right.
Would it ease your worries
if l showed you our operation?

Fucking right.
We'll call you when we're ready.
You just have the money together.

Really, Henry.
Right after group and everything.

Boyd? Shit!
l just came in to use the phone.
Relax, man. l just need a favor.
Ladies, would you let me talk
to my friend for a minute?

Anything. You need me to go undercover?
l'm like a chameleon.

lt also looks like you're kicking
a lot of big ass there. How many guys?

Two, but they were huge.
They were meat packers.

l could've used some of your moves.
Maybe you could teach me.

Later. You know that exposé you did
on the Mob a few years ago?

How'd you get that intel?
l can be resourceful. Plus, l work
with the l Team, a group of former Pl's...

...who owe us their licenses
due to various felony convictions.

l need you to find out whatever you can
about a guy called Latrell Walker.

His identity seems to be a total scam.
And also what his connection is
with a guy called Shaun Rollins. Can you?

l'll see what l can dig up.
Why'd you come to me?

l don't want to attract any attention.
And l think your peculiar methods
might work for me.

-What's this all about?
-lt might be nothing.

lt might be something.
lf it's big, it's really big.

l just got to see
how high up this shit goes.

Don't screw this one up.
l won't,
because l've seen you when you're angry.

All right, ladies?
Come to papa.
-You want in on this?

l just want to make a toast.
This is to us
finally getting together for dinner.
