Dennis, it's me.
I'm not selling the house.
I have to go back to Cologne.
I'll call you.
You got along well, didn't you?
He was the cleverest person
I've known. Showed me everything.
Ain't easy having such a father.
My father...
...is an asshole.
The greatest asshole in the world.
We had this little game.
He said don't do that and I did it.
Everything. Always.
He's a photographer.
When I was eight he locked me
in his darkroom. For a whole day.
l was really afraid in there.
I cried, whined, begged for hours.
My mother didn't dare to let me out.
At some point...
...I didn't have the strength
to scream any more.
Then everything got really quiet.
I thought I was going to die.
But I only pissed my pants.