It's all right.
You'll be back to normal in no time.
Doctor, we need
to scan you for infestation.
That won't be necessary.
I'll take responsibility.
Hey, doc.
Thanks for saving him.
-Are you all right?
-The military impounded my ship.
-What's with her?
-What's with her and the captain?
What's with her and that stupid plant?
Forward me everything regarding
the five spirits collected.
Yes, doctor.
I thought we weren't supposed to
use the "s" word.
Don't get smart with me.
Now let's see if
that plant does the trick.
It's a match. We've found it.
The sixth spirit.
You broke nearly every protocol.
How long do you think this would
have survived outside?
There are elements in the council and
military waiting to shut us down.
Look, 20 years ago, who discovered
this energy in the Phantoms? You.
And who proved the same energy source
existed in humans and every life form?
You. You made it possible
to harness that energy...
...for ovo-pacs, scanners,
the barrier.
The council knows. They trust you.
We're so close to proving it.
But we still need these parts.
Two more pieces
and we've solved the puzzle!
We need to be free
to find those pieces.
I want to show you something.