He saves your life, you save his,
this leads to that.
I was young once.
Doctor, there is a war going on.
No one's young anymore.
Members of the council...
...could you please explain why?
Zeus was completed a month ago.
If we attack the meteor, we will
eliminate the Phantoms at the source.
General Hein, calm down.
We voted 6 to 2...
...to postpone using the Zeus cannon
to attack the Leonid Meteor.
We have re-convened to vote again.
I'd like to ask the director of
the Bio-Etheric Center to speak.
-Dr. Sid, please.
-Thank you.
The Phantoms' nest
is in the Leonid Meteor...
...that landed here 34 years ago.
What you see now are the records
of every assault on the meteor.
Physical attacks have had
utterly no effect.
This took place three months ago
during a full-scale bombardment.