He can't see me, and he's committing crime.
I come along and say "I can see you. He says
"You can't. " I say "Yes, I can with my... "
X-ray Cat.
"You can't get me. You can't get me. "
"Yes, I can. Yes, I can. "
"Yes, I can. Yes... "
The bananas.
I know a banana who applied for a job
as a telephone repairman.
Guy came and said "You want a job here?"
And he said "Yeah, I wanna get a job. "
"You got the job!
You got the job, buddy!"
And then the beavers came. The beaver
started yelling at the other beaver.
The beaver started yelling at the other beaver.
He said "You stupid beaver!"
"You stupid... "
(# "Problems" by Sex Pistols)
Bye, Gord. Good luck.
Hey! Get off that skateboard!
# Too many problems
Oh, why am I here
# I don't need to be me
Cos you're all too clear
# And I can see
there's something wrong with you
# But what do you expect me to do?
# At least I gotta know what I wanna be
# Don't come to me if you need pity
# Are you lonely?
You got no one
# You got your body in suspension
# Problem
# Problem
# Problem
# The problem is you