Freddy Got Fingered

- What?
- Oh, boys!

Will you two faggots stop making
so fucking much noise? We're sleeping.

It's three in the morning!
- Stop the fucking hammering!
- Jim, I got a kid over here. OK?

- Gord, are you almost done over there?
- Yeah, nearly, Mr. Malloy.

Hey, Gord.
Can I play on your ramp tomorrow?

Sure, Andy. Any time.
Has your dad got, like, bowel problems?
- Let's skate this thing.
- Don't you think it's kinda dark, Gord?

I gotta work tomorrow.
You mean to say we're finished now and you
are not gonna enjoy the fruits of your labor?

I don't have the right shoes on.
They're slippery and they got no sole.

- Just enjoy the fruits here.
- Don't say "the fruits".

Holy shit.
Dirty little shit! You think that's funny?
I gotta work in the morning.

- Dad, what the fuck? He hurt his leg.
- He shouldn't have been screaming out here.

Oh, Jesus Christ.
Oh! Oh, Christ! Oh, God!
Get him a job!
Get him an ambulance!
You get a job. He's got a job.

What the hell are you doing?
- Hi. I'm looking for my friend Darren.
- Sh.

Wow. That's a...
Oh, that's a neat trick you do there.
