- Say what?
- Excuse me?
Yeah, he touches my little brother. He takes
him behind the furnace and touches him.
- See the insanity I put up with?
- He's embarrassed.
- Jim!
- He touches my little brother.
He... He fingers him.
- You're a goddamn liar.
- Jim! Do you touch him?
Do you finger our boy?
Don't get wacky on me.
What the fuck are we talking about?
Mr. Brody, this is very serious.
Based on what I've heard here today,
I am required by law to notify the authorities.
You hear that, Dad? You're gonna pay!
He's a molester. He's a child molester!
You'd better run, you li-aaaaaaar!
...so then we placed a retractor.
This holds the abdominal wall open.
- Hi. Can I help you?
- Uh, yes, you can.
We're here for little Freddy.
I'm Freddy.
Well, um...
...Freddy, I'm a doctor.
And we need to take you with us.
- What did I do wrong?
- No. No, you didn't do anything wrong.
That's the most important thing
for you to remember.
It's not your fault your dad fingered you.
What are you talking about?
My dad doesn't finger me.
- Come on, son. We'll take you outta here.
- No! No, I'm not going anywhere.
- My father does not finger me.
- It's over, Freddy.
We'll take you someplace where
your dad won't be able to hurt you any more.