I'm getting 'em ready to show Mr. Davidson.
- Stop it.
- Scared I'm ruining these little sketches?
Stop it! Stop it!
Stop it, stop it, stop it! Mickey Mouse!
Fuck you, Dad.
Fuck me?
Yeah, fuck you.
Do you wanna fuck me?
Is that what you said?
- What?
- Do you want to fuck me?
All right, Gord.
Come on over here...
...and fuck me.
Come on, Gord.
Get your ass over here and fuck me.
Just stick it right in here.
- Put your ass away.
- Here. Your sketches, here.
Ooh! Oh!
Holy shit, Dad. What are you doing?
Why don't you come on over here
and fuck your daddy?
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck Daddy.
Hey! Hey!
You, Gordon Brody, you're nothing.
- You're nothing and will always be nothing.
- Dad...
God! I've never been
so ashamed of anything in my life.
# Don't nobody know my troubles but God?
# Oh, lordy, trouble so hard
# Don't nobody know my troubles but God?