Move it!
Get up.
Get up!
Hello, darling.
It's night.
Well spotted, lnspector Abberline.
Indeed it is night.
Our genius has returned to us.
Thank you, gentlemen.
Remember, if you ever wish to escape
the dreary confines of your duties...
...this never happened.
Cut along now.
Have I lost a day?
No. It's only four hours since you left here.
Deepest apologies for the rude awakening.
I suspect you enjoyed that.
"I must be cruel only to be kind,"
as the poet said.
Although, I'd happily wallop you
every time you chase the dragon.
I had a sneaking suspicion
you might interrupt.
You've seen something?
What did you see?
A petticoat saturated with blood.
They used to burn men like you alive.
Sometime this evening,
a bangtail was murdered in George Yard.
That doesn't sound
much out of the ordinary.
It was the way she was done.
It was the way the bangtail was done
that cries out for a man of your talents.
[Ominous instrumental music]
[Flies buzzing]
Her name was Martha Tabram.
I don't know what sort of name Tabram is.