It sounds foreign to me.
This is not what I saw.
Not the woman of your dreams?
Are you sure?
-Show him.
-You show him.
Why do I have to be exposed
to this degradation over and over again?
I've looked at the mess twice.
Before he cut her throat,
he removed her livelihood as a keepsake.
[Eerie instrumental music]
SIR WILLIAM: Gentlemen,
we are indeed fortunate today...
...to be able to observe an entirely new
approach to the treatment of insanity.
Dr. Ferral, I was just saying
to my colleagues...
...we're here in the hope you'll permit us
to observe this new treatment of yours.
I wasn't expecting
such distinguished visitors.
But you're all welcome, of course.
I'm ready to begin.
SIR WILLIAM: Who is your patient?
FERRAL: Ann Crook.
An unfortunate, Sir William,
who is hysterical and violent.
And has severe delusions of persecution.
Poor girl. Do please proceed.
[Dramatic instrumental music]
[Moaning and whimpering]