MAN: I knows it when I feels it.
That's mine, Polly.
That's my money.
I could pop your eye out.
The customers wouldn't mind.
They don't mind if a whore can see.
OFFICER: What's that you got?
McQUEEN: What've I got?
What have I got here, Constable?
Only a little thing.
Only a little thing to you,
but a great thing to me.
Or I'll bash that smart mouth.
You're a dead woman.
LIZ: Lovey,
he won't bother you again tonight.
ANNIE: That's right. Look.
One for the Nichols, and one for me.
LIZ: Come here.
We'll work the streets together.
I'll keep my eye on you, love.
You pig!
You disgusting pig!
Yeah, I'm a pig.
I'm what's wrong with the world.
Be on your own then.
LIZ: You don't want the company of a pig!
What the fuck are you looking at?
THE RIPPER: Thirsty?