From Hell

SIR WILLIAM: No lesions have appeared.
There is some neural damage,
slight trembling of the right hand...

...but I'm more than hopeful,
the treatment will arrest the disease.

He seems, to us,
to be suffering greatly in his mind.

Is the disease affecting his emotions?
Yes, of course, his mood is depressed...
...because of the news of the diagnosis.
But that should improve
as he regains his strength.

You are a true physician, Sir William.
In all ways,
you attend to the health of our empire.

We are grateful.
Thank you, ma'am.
FREDERICK: This is the beginning
of a five-pointed star.

-Like the bloody Jewish star!

The lnspector is talking,
which means you are what?

-I'm listening, sir.

This area would form a likely point.
I want double shifs
within these streets until further notice.

And don't only worry
about Jews and butchers.

Stop anyone suspicious...
...including well-dressed gentlemen.
By the way, Withers...
...the Star of David has six points.
Right! "Once more unto the breach,
dear friends."

[Policemen murmuring]
THE RIPPER: Why have you called me here?
It's just....
It's just,
you say three more have to be killed.
