Funny Girl

See, I met this guy backstage
one night with a ruffled shirt on.

Just the kind you figure
to know Ziegfeld.

I bet you he said a word.
That's what must have happened.

- Oh, my head aches.
- Nothing aches.

- You're built like a horse.
- I have nothing to wear.

What's she been walking around in
all this time? Towels?

It's coming too easy.
That's what's got me scared.

Where's all the suffering
before you click?

And the hard knocks, the setbacks
you're supposed to learn from?

This is too quick.
I haven't suffered enough yet.

The job's not yours yet. If it were,
who says you won't lose it in a week?

Cheer up. You may suffer later.
If you're as bossy with Ziegfeld
as you are with...

I am not bossy with you or anyone.
And even if I was...
...Ziegfeld isn't just anyone.
...Ziegfeld isn't just anyone.
And believe me...
...whatever he tells me to do,
that's what I'll do.
