returnedfrom thesouthern valley
Get toyour security stations now!
Let's move.
Initialreports indicated
it wasaghost train.
Itappearedno one wasaboard...
untilasinglesurvivor was
discoveredin therearcompartment.
Call for a med tech backup.
LieutenantMelanie Ballard...
second officer,
first squad ofescort police.
Theywere assigned
to transfer a prisoner...
from thejail at Shining Canyon Mine
back here to Chryse.
LieutenantBallard was taken
Shehadsuperficial wounds, but was
in otherwisegoodphysicalcondition.
However, traces ofanillegal
substance, tetramonochloride...
were foundinhersystem.
Bring her in, please.
Lieutenant Ballard,
please be seated.
Do I get a lawyer, or don't police
officers have rights these days?
Representation by counsel
won't be necessary.
Your rights are protected
by the Matronage.
You can speak freely.
- Then I'm not being charged?
- Sit down, Lieutenant.
This is a discovery hearing...
and your presence is required
as ranking officer.
I wantyour after-action report.
WWhere's the rest ofyour team,
the prisoneryou picked up?
WWhat happened at Shining Canyon?
Last Friday at 1 750, we were
slamming through a dust storm...
on the edge ofthesouthern valley.
74 Yankee wasan orehauler...
servicing themines
in the outersector.