- WWe're picking upJames WWilliams.
- You mean ''Desolation'' WWilliams?
Cooling his heels
in the Shining Canyonjail.
Deep solitary.
- WWhat's the charge this time?
- Murder.
The man's been up on murder three times.
He gets offevery time on self-defense.
It's different this time.
Sounds like he finallywent psycho.
Beaucoup corpses, all mutilated.
WWilliams shows up at the mine
with some bizarre-ass story.
Sends three officers to the medevac
before they locked him down.
- You starting to see the picture?
- And all we got is you, me...
and this new guyJericho
and a couple ofrookies?
WWhat doyou think
I was hoping we'd get a good,
solid woman we could count on.
I don't know.
I guess we'll see.
I need you straight, Melanie.
Don't worry about that,
I'm as straight as they come.
Such a shame.
Check on
our transfer schedule.
Shining Canyon.
Shining Canyon,
this is Trans Marineris 74 Yankee.
They ready for us?
This storm's really kicking up a mess.
I can't get through to the tower.
Here's your coffee, Mr. McSimms.
Three sugars and two whites.
Just the wayyou like it.
You want some?
No, thanks.
How long?
About 40.
Shining Canyon.
Shining Canyon, this is
Trans Marineris 74 Yankee.
ETA, 40 minutes.
Everybody checkyour equipment.
I don't want any surprises.
Is everything all right,
I couldn't help but notice that charming
little scene with the queen bee.
Yeah, well, you know how
the service is, Sergeant.
She figures ifI want to make captain,
I'll have to pay the price.
Thing is, I don't give a damn
about wearing another bar.
It could be that.