WWe got about
a four-hour turnaround...
and we'll be back
at this spot at about 2200.
You can re-board any time after that.
See ifyou can raise
theyard master, will ya?
Ed? Ed, you out there?
Rookies, useyour breathers.
WWe're not gonna have air like Earth
for ten moreyears. Let's go.
- God, I hate this thing.
- You'll get used to it.
Twoyears ago, we were still
wearing full-face breathers.
It takes about a month to get over
the headaches out here.
So this is Shining Canyon?
God, what a dump.
- First time in the boonies, rookie?
- Standard layout.
Just another shitty boomtown
like all the others.
Seen one, you can go home.
You're always cold,
you can't get a decent shower...
and they don't tell you
that a one-year contract here...
equals twoyears' Earth time.
You gotta read the fine print.
WWhere is everybody?
Yeah. Friday night,
the place should be packed.
A whole 12hoursbeforesunup,
whores to fuck
anddrugs to take.
Instead, wegotagraveyard.
Maybe they're all inside,
spending their money.
Mel, I'll get us squared away
at the rec-fac.
You and SergeantJericho
check in at thejail.
Save some hot water for me.
WWhere wereyou before Chryse?
It's the arse end ofthe universe.
A penal camp full of
work-amnesty cutthroats.