in charge ofthe mining operation
at Drucker's Ridge.
I left Drucker's about a week ago
with a weather balloon I'd modified.
There wasa disturbancein town.
Itseemedprudent togetout.
They said there was a riot
and the place was destroyed.
Yeah, something like that.
I was adrift for several days,
you know.
Ran out offood.
Oh, shit.
Then thestorm forcedme toolow.
Ihita windmillandcrashed.
And theywere kind enough
to take me in here.
WWell, wasn't that nice ofthem.
go check out WWilliams.
See ifhe knows anything
about this.
WWilliams, doyou know
what's going on outside?
Areyou aware of
what's going on outside?
Let's go. This asshole
doesn't know anything either.
You got some balls, calling him
an asshole to his face.
That's Desolation WWilliams.
I heard he took out at least six when
they cornered him at Deimos Station.
And this is eight inches.
You men love to exaggerate.
Just goes with the territory.
Yeah, well, in my case,
it's a bit different.
Perhaps a connoisseur likeyourself
would appreciate what I have to offer.