Hadalittle time
togetmesomething to eat...
so I wentinto thestation.
It wasjustlying there,
soyou tookit.
You would have done
the same thing.
See, that's whereyou're wrong.
I'm a cop, not a crook.
It's a thin line between
a cop and a crook these days.
You think it's a big difference
between you and me?
Youjust got the woman
behind your bullshit.
Look atyou.
You look high right now.
You know
I saved your life out there.
So why don'tyou save mine
and let me out ofhere?
myjob is to bring you back
to Chryse to stand trial.
I don't thinkyou did it.
But that's not my call.
So let's not make this any more
complicated than it has to be.
Yeah, it's gonna be
real complicated.
You can believe that shit!
I ain't going back!
Soyou secured your prisoner.
WWhere was your commanding
officer during this time?
I can only report what
SergeantJericho told me later.