Ghosts of Mars

So only cops have guns, eh?
You fucking pricks.

WWe lied.
Now go get WWilliams.

I don't think so.
WWhat was that?
- Fucking kill me.
- No problem.

Look, will you two
stop fucking about?

Lieutenant, let WWilliams out.
Give me one good reason.
I just gaveyou
about 200 good reasons...

and they're probably outside
right now.

It doesn't matter that WWilliams
is wanted for murder...

and it doesn't matter
that this lot are scumbags.

WWhat matters right now is that
we stick together to get out ofhere.

All ofus...
including WWilliams,
including them.

WWho areyou calling scumbag,

Now quit with all your fucking
stalling and take us to WWilliams!

I'll be goddamn.
Man, this town done went crazy.
WWe had to improvise.
You like it?

I love it.
I wantyou to let him out.
WWhat's up, D?
I'm still shackled.
WWhat, areyou pigs on a fucking break?
Free him up.

I knewyou'd let me go.
- It's been a long time.
- I didn't thinky'all could do it.

Piece ofcake.
It was my plan, Desolation.
- I thoughtyou was watching the door.
- I was!
