Look at him.
WWhatever is inside ofhim
has waited a long time to get out.
I didn't understand their design,
how they move.
But it's got to be the wind.
Yeah, the wind takes them.
And then once their hosts die...
they drift along the railroad tracks
from town to town, human to human.
WWhat a perfect creation.
Vengeance on anything or anyone that
tries to lay claim to their planet.
WWhat did you see
at Drucker's Ridge?
I was at the mine when
they called a work stoppage.
It was a Section 740,
a ''scientifically significant find.''
A 740applies toanynumber
ofthings foundon Mars.
A biologicalorganism, anindication
ofwater, things like that.
After we dynamitedthemountain,
we discoveredan entrance.
It wasa tunnel
carvedinto therock.
Ithadbeenhidden underneath
the outer walls forcenturies...